It was 2004 when Art Reyes, Mike Flores, and I launched this website to continue the ministry of communication we began in St Joseph de Gagalangin Parish. We initially featured the parish and town of Gagalangin and invited fellow parishioners to join in, but realizing the wider audience we are able to reach, the web went further afield. The world became our parish, so to speak.
Three years later, I accepted the role to be the web's Editor-in-Chief. Fourteen years later, we have grown. From a triumvirate, we have added more people into our fold. We have created sections in the web which are being looked after by their respective editors. We have a team of volunteer writers in God-speak which has been a weekly feature of our web. We have created a network of fellow Catholic Christians. By developing our relationship with them, we are able to collaborate with them in the work of evangelization.
The growth we see, I believe, is the work of the Holy Spirit. The seeds of creativity sown in our hearts would not bear fruit without the grace showered on us by the Lord. To Him be glory and thanksgiving!
After fourteen years of serving as Editor-in-Chief, I feel it is high time for me to pass on the role to someone else. Dear sisters and brothers, please welcome Grace MadriƱan who will assume the role on 1 January 2022. Grace has been with us for 13 years. She started writing in God-speak and rose from the ranks. She is currently our Features Editor.
Apart from Grace, we will also be having a new Faith Section Editor next year. Friends, may I present to you Ma. Rosalina Flores. Ningning, as she is fondly called, is currently one of our Contributing Editors and writes for God-speak. I would like to thank Anabelle Payod-Balla, current Faith Section Editor, for her hard work, dedication, and friendship.
Many thanks for your cooperation and assistance. Looking back, what made the web to what it is now is because we work together under the inspiration of St Joseph. If we keep it that way, then all will be well! Ana and I hope that as you have supported us in our roles, you will do the same for Grace and Ningning.
Here's to new beginnings! God bless us always.
In St Joseph,