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Saturday, April 23, 2011

I Know My Savior Lives

In my heart, I know my Savior lives

I can hear him calling tenderly my name.
Over sin and death he has prevailed
In his glory, in his new life we partake!

One of the famous characters I truly admire in the Lord's Passion narrative is St Mary Magdalene. Known as the "apostle to the apostles", this beloved saint has been often misidentified with the adulterous woman in the Gospel of St John or the sister of Lazarus who has the same name.

Unlike the disciples of the Lord, Mary of Magdalene did not hid herself from the shame and ridicule that would befall any follower of Christ that first Good Friday. The popular movie of the 70s, "Jesus of Nazareth" showed her crying for Jesus' release when almost all of the mob in Pilate's court were shouting the opposite. Mary was there at the foot of the cross together with the other Marys, especially the Blessed Virgin Mary. She was there too guarding the tomb when Christ was laid to rest there and, she was on her way there to anoint the body of the Lord when she saw the stone rolled.

Mary Magdalene experienced how gracious this carpenter-turned-itinerant teacher was. She began to know Him more and more! From that knowledge she developed a love for Him, a love that prodded her to serve Him come hell or high water. She was privileged to be one of those faithful followers to whom the Lord appeared when He rose again from the dead. The Lord rewards those who would remain faithful to Him to the end, isn't it?

The above song entitled "Song of Mary Magdalene" sums up Mary Magdalene's belief in the resurrection and its effect on all who would share in her belief. We ask her intercession and inspiration that our lives would truly bear witness to Jesus' triumph over sin and death; that our lives would truly be a message of hope of that new life in union with our Lord.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and participation in our online Lenten and Holy Week projects particularly The Seven Last Words. Through this journey we hope that the lessons we learned in Lent would make us more knowledgeable of who the Lord really is in our life and from that we may truly love Him and dedicate ourselves wholly to His cause. If we have died with Him on the cross, we'll surely rise with Him to new life, a life to the full!

This May we welcome a new staff writer: Ms Herminia "Grace" Jamandri-Flores. Grace will be writing the God-speak reflections for the coming month. We hope you stay tuned so we could all continue to know more about our Lord, nurturing ourselves with His Word so we could ensure that the new life He has breathed on us at Easter would be as vibrant and inspiring to others as possible.

A Blessed Easter to you and your loved ones!

God bless.

In behalf of www.anluwage.com

Pietro S Albano

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